Get Your FREE Virtual Football Fitness Workout!


⚽️ FREE live virtual football fitness workout sessions streamed live to your device!️

Sign up here 👇

Join in from the comfort of your own home or garden and follow the drills and exercises designed for all ages live with FA coach Phil.

Due to great success with his own Carshalton Athletic youth football team Phil has decided to open up FREE live virtual football workout sessions to everyone during the coronavirus lockdown.

These sessions aren’t designed just for players, they are also for coaches, brothers, sisters and parents, of all ages!

What do our FREE Sessions include?

Your workout with us will be fun and easy to follow.

ultimate footballers philip novell

Your FA Coach

Phil Novell will lead your coaching sessions each week, making sure you train the correct way

ultimate footballers free training

Structured Workouts

We will give you a downloadable worksheet to track your weekly training

ultimate footballers free training

Regular Exercise

During our weekly sessions you will be able to keep fit and keep moving during lockdown

SAFEGUARDING - There will be no visual or audio interaction between participants, participants will only be able to see and hear Phil during our sessions and each session is password protected.

What do these sessions look like?

This is an idea of one of our sessions - the Alpha Workout.

And here is an idea of our Beta workout.

💪 Training notes: Hiit training, 30 seconds on 20 seconds rest, for a total of 20-30 minutes only. You can train indoors or outdoors. You need a clear space and a ball.

When you sign up we will also give you workout plan downloads and details of how to participate.